
  • 1960

    Henry McGee (father of Charles and Richard McGee) sells his Ford tractor dealership in Monroe, NC.

  • 1961

    Richard McGee starts his canopy business in his father’s garage. They started from nothing. The father-son duo purchased a bandsaw and a few materials to make window awnings. Richard hired a retiree to help him build his first carport. Occasionally they built carports and patio coverings. Months later, they rented a warehouse space in Monroe after out-growing his father’s garage.

  • 1962

    Brother, Charles McGee, joins the business.

  • 1963

    Richard and Charles move the business to another location on U.S. Hwy 74 in Monroe. It was bigger and a bit more updated.

  • 1966

    The brothers decide to purchase their first fleet of McGee trucks, three new red and white F100 trucks.

  • 1968

    McGee Corporation moves next door to a building twice as big as the previous space. They were excited to have 7,000 square feet for their growing business.

  • 1969

    The company’s first convenience store canopy is built in Albemarle, NC.

  • 1974

    Henry McGee passes away.

  • 1976

    The brothers purchase their own brick building and become first time commercial building owners.

  • 1986

    The company builds a new, larger building (175,000 square feet today) in Matthews, NC.  More space was needed to house the roll former machine that fabricates deck pans for all McGee canopies.

  • 1989

    Kevin McGee, President of Sales, joins the company in May of 1989.

  • 1990

    McGee Corporation expands their building by another 48,000 square feet.

  • 1991

    Richard and Charles are awarded entrepreneur of the year for their innovation in expanding their line of oil company facias and canopies to include fabricated metal buildings.

  • 1992

    Todd McGee, President of Operations, joins the company in May of 1992.

  • 1995

    Swede McGee, President of Manufacturing, joins the company in May of 1995.

  • 2001

    The company purchases and installs an impressive CNC router for  McGee fascia systems.

  • 2002

    Charles McGee passes away.

  • 2013

    The company purchases and installs a new CNC drill saw line for structural steel fabrication.

  • 2020

    Reese McGee, grandson of Richard McGee and son of Todd McGee, joins the company.

  • Today

    McGee Corporation has grown into the number one canopy manufacturer and is known for their culture of customer commitment.

    The company proudly recognizes that they serve some of the biggest customers on the planet. They thrive because every customer, no matter the size, receives the same level of service and commitment to excellence.